Get More Information Here: Best Home Loan Interest Rates Australia Bridging Loan by Gordon-46351Bridging loans meet the needs of many individuals and businesses today. They are rapidly loaned to qualified applicants and then usually repaid within one to three months, though many are offered for terms that require payment in up to a year. The financial needs are of a […]
U.K. National Portrait Gallery threatens U.S. citizen with legal action over Wikimedia images
Tuesday, July 14, 2009 This article mentions the Wikimedia Foundation, one of its projects, or people related to it. Wikinews is a project of the Wikimedia Foundation. The English National Portrait Gallery (NPG) in London has threatened on Friday to sue a U.S. citizen, Derrick Coetzee. The legal letter followed claims that he had breached the Gallery’s copyright in several […]
How the Army Corps of Engineers closed one New Orleans breach
Friday, September 9, 2005 New Orleans, Louisiana —After Category 4 storm Hurricane Katrina slammed into New Orleans, on the night before August 29, 2005, several flood control constructions failed. Much of the city flooded through the openings. One of these was the flood wall forming one side of the 17th Street Canal, near Lake Pontchartrain. The U.S. Army Corps of […]
How Bulk Sms Service Provider Is Satisfying The Clients?}
Get More Information Here: Best Home Care Provider How bulk SMS service provider is satisfying the clients? by renukatewaniBulk SMS service provider follows the best policies so that the clients can get only genuine promotional services that can bring greater happiness and higher satisfaction. Policies of any genuine bulk-SMS providerCustomer-care support: Both non-technical and technical supports are being catered by […]
David S. Touretzky discusses Scientology, Anonymous and Tom Cruise
Wednesday, February 6, 2008 David S. Touretzky, prominent free speech activist and critic of Scientology, discussed his opinions on the recent Internet backlash against the Church of Scientology in an interview with former Scientologist and Wikinews reporter Nicholas Turnbull. The recent conflict on the Internet between critics of Scientology and the Church has been spurred on in declarations by a […]
UK house prices have fallen 10.5% this year, says Nationwide Building Society
Thursday, August 28, 2008 After dropping 1.9% in July, house prices in the United Kingdom are now falling at the fastest rate since 1990, according to Nationwide Building Society. Residential homes in Oldham, England.Image: Jeremy Sutcliffe. The average price of a home has dropped by £20,000 down to £164,654, losing 10.5% of its value in 2008. Property values fell by […]
Companies That Offer New Homes Construction In Northampton, Ma Produce Some Amazing Results
Get More Information Here: Painters Newcastle byAlma Abell Few things are as exciting as building a new home and these days, most contractors offering new homes construction in Northampton, MA offer very competitive prices, which means that you can get that new home for much less than you thought. Most contractors offer both basic and customized floor plans and work […]
Saudi military attacks Yemeni rebels
Saturday, November 7, 2009 Royal Saudi air force F-15 used in attacksImage: Tech. Sgt. Hans Deffner. Saudi Arabian military forces have continued their five-day attack against Yemeni rebels, leaving seven Saudis and an unknown number of Yemeni dead, according to the state news agency. The military has stated that only rebel forces on Saudi soil have been attacked, in contradiction […]
Film from Nunavut in Canada’s north to open TIFF
Tuesday, August 29, 2006 A film by Isuma Productions of Canada’s north will open the 2006 Toronto International Film Festival (TIFF). Produced by an Igloolik, Nunavut company, the film is titled The Journals of Knud Rassmusen, and co-directed by Zacharias Kunuk of Igloolik and Norman Cohn of Montreal. The company received critical acclaim for their first film, Atanarjuat, which translates […]
Demand for biofuel irrigation worsens global water crisis
Monday, August 21, 2006 Experts say water needs to be better managed A report by the International Water Management Institute (IWMI) says rising demand for irrigation to produce food and biofuels will aggravate scarcities of water. “One in three people is enduring one form or another of water scarcity,” states the report compiled by 700 experts. IWMI warns there has […]