Tips To Know Breast Cancer Symptoms And Treatment
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If there is an abnormal growth of cells in breasttissue that could be breastcancer, hard breast lump is really suspicious.
The mammographyscreening is the most common screening instead MRI Screening, which an X-rays is imaging to visualize breast tissues and detect mass ofbreast.
Among women in all whole world breastcancer is become global topic interest because it is theleading cause of cancer-related deaths on women. Based on that, if women go for treatment at early stage that will increase the possibility to becure.
If there is an abnormal growth of cells in breasttissue that could be breastcancer, hard breast lump is really suspicious. Actually detecting cancer symptoms is not hard to do, but most women ignored it, the recommendation age for screening:
Women at age between 20: Self-breast examination every month, and the best timeto do it is the fifth day after menstruation.
Women at age below 40: Go to clinical breast examination every three years.
Women at age above 40: Go to clinical breast examination and mammogram screening every year.
Women have family history about breastcancer: Go to clinical breast examination and mammogram orMRI screening every 6 months.
Mammography Screening
The mammographyscreening is the most common screening instead MRI Screening, which is an X-rays imaging to visualize breast tissues and detect mass ofbreast, the benefit is can check lump which not check on self-breast examination, sometime it fail to detectabnormality in a normal breast, for better result is recommended screening is MRI screening but more expensive than mammographyscreening.
Chemotherapy andRadiation
If youre been detect cancer on your breast, then must your doctor ask you to run chemotherapy andradiation, this is still the best treatment.
Biological, Hormone and Anti-Angiogenesis Therapy
The different biologicaltherapy with chemotherapy is less likely to harm normal healthycells, and targeting specific characteristics of cancer cells, but has slower effect than chemotherapy. Some people known hormone therapyas anti-estrogen therapy, the main function is to inhibit growth of the breastcancer cells. Anti-Angiogenesistherapy is using drugsto cutting-off blood supply to breastcancer and kill the cancer cells.
All those treatment above isthe most common treatment thats people and they get the best result, but onlyat breastcancer early stage.
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For further information about breast cancer please check at BreastCancer Category
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Tips to Know Breast Cancer Symptoms and Treatment
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