Taking A Journey Through Free Virtual Museum Tours

An Escape to History and Creativity through Free Virtual Museum Tours

A global pandemic or other factors might prevent a person from hopping on a plane and exploring world-class museums in different corners of the globe. Free virtual museum tours might not be a direct replacement for in-person visits, but they offer a unique approach to discovering art, history and science from the comfort of your home.

Such virtual experiences have opened a new way to probe artworks, historical artifacts, scientific wonders, and architectural marvels in greater detail. In several cases, these virtual museum tours are more than just 360-degree panoramic images. Some museums go the extra mile and offer interactive experiences with entertaining videos, audios, and educational games to keep you engaged.

Interestingly, top-rated museums worldwide now offer free virtual tours. Let us have a look at some of these to help you embark on your own personal ‘around the world in eighty days’ journey.

International Excursion

Your virtual journey might commence at the British Museum, where their interactive experience lets you journey back in time and across diverse continents. Gaze upon the Rosetta Stone, the Elgin Marbles, and artifacts from the Assyrian Lion Hunt reliefs.

Proceed to a virtual tour of Musée d’Orsay in Paris to soak in the beauty of famous works from French artists who lived and worked between 1848 and 1914. Then, make a short journey to the Louvre and experience the iconic Egyptian Antiquities department and the famous Galerie d’Apollon.

Span American War and Space Exploration

Next, fly across the Atlantic to the Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History for a completely immersive, self-guided, room-by-room tour. Roam around the entire space to see every exhibit they hold. If you are an enthusiast of aviation and space, the virtual tour of the National Air and Space Museum will quench your thirst for knowledge.

Don’t forget to stop by The Museum of Modern Art (MoMA) in New York City, where some of the most famous pieces of modern and contemporary art are waiting for you.

Melbourne Art Tours

Australia isn’t left behind in our journey, with plenty of museums pushing their virtual presence. The National Gallery of Victoria, for example, offers an interactive romp through some of their most captivating exhibits. What’s better is that these ‘Melbourne Art Tours’ can be experienced alongside excellent audio guides.

The Final Frontier

End your journey with a walk through the stars at the Space Center Houston. Their app lets users experience a virtual reality journey, visiting the Space Shuttle Independence and scaling Martian peaks.

Additionally, make sure to ‘drop-by’ The Vatican to tour the Sistine Chapel or ‘wander’ around the ancient streets of Jerusalem with a virtual tour from Yad Vashem.

This newfound form of global wandering has ushered in a new era of exploring history, culture, art, and science. Free virtual museum tours not only make art and culture more accessible but also encourage lifelong learning for everyone, everywhere. So sit back, and enjoy art tourism on your screen.