Sunday, November 7, 2010 The Indian stock market ended at an all time high on the Diwali 60-minute Special trading session on Friday. Diwali trading is arranged every year on the festival of Diwali to pay obeisance to Lakshmi, the Hindu goddess of wealth and prosperity; it is also seen as welcoming the New Year of the Samvat calendar. The […]
One million pilgrims attend open-air mass with Pope
Sunday, August 21, 2005 The Catholic World Youth Day 2005 concluded today with a open-air mass by Pope Benedict XVI at the Marienfeld, about 15 km west of Cologne. Speaking to some one million pilgrims from about 200 countries the Pope called for a “return to God” . In his sermon, he condemned the commercialisation of faith and said that […]
Shade Trees, Flowering Trees, And Evergreen Trees For Landscape Specimen Growing
Get More Information Here: Farm Sheds Emerald By Pat Malcolm Shade trees do not all necessarily shed their leaves in the fall (deciduous), but some shade trees are evergreen, and others can be classified as flowering trees. The fact that shade trees can cool temperatures in the surrounding landscape and cool off houses during the heat of the summer is […]
‘A very giant struggle’: North Korean leader Kim Jong Un’s warning of oncoming economic difficulties
Thursday, December 2, 2021 In a talk made to officials at a meeting of the Political Bureau of the Workers’ Party of Korea held on Wednesday, North Korean leader Kim Jong Un warned officials of a coming “very giant struggle” in the economic field, reported Party newspaper Rodong Sinmun. Present at the meeting, which was held in the headquarters building […]
Mothers, teachers concerned about leukemia deaths at California elementary school
Saturday, May 28, 2005 California State Senator Joseph Dunn, school officials, and environmental professionals met with Kennedy Elementary School parents in a town-hall style meeting in Santa Ana Thursday evening. The parents aired their concerns over health issues at schools and workplaces, including a rash of leukemia cases in the student population, and began a dialogue they have been working […]
Wikinews interviews Joe Schriner, Independent U.S. presidential candidate
Saturday, April 17, 2010 Journalist, counselor, painter, and US 2012 Presidential candidate Joe Schriner of Cleveland, Ohio took some time to discuss his campaign with Wikinews in an interview. Schriner previously ran for president in 2000, 2004, and 2008, but failed to gain much traction in the races. He announced his candidacy for the 2012 race immediately following the 2008 […]
Diet For Sciatica In Ayurveda
Get More Information Here: Best Sciatica Stretches For Pain Relief What is Sciatica? Sciaticais a common type of pain affecting the sciatic nerve extending from the lower back through hips, buttocks and down each leg. It typically affects only one leg at a time. It occurs commonly when there is any herniated vertebral disc, any bone spur on the vertebral […]
Wikinews interviews Kristian Hanson, producer-director of indie horror film ‘Sledge’
Thursday, October 23, 2014 Just days away from Halloween, Wikinews interviewed Kristian Hanson, producer-director of independent slasher film Sledge. The film has been a recent source of discussion in horror fan circles, primarily due to its production budget of only US$800. Sledge is Hanson’s fourth film to direct, according to Internet Movie Database. Retrieved from “,_producer-director_of_indie_horror_film_%27Sledge%27&oldid=4567509”
Wikinews Shorts: August 13, 2009
A compilation of brief news reports for Thursday, August 13, 2009. Contents 1 Paris suffers second night of violence 2 No concrete progress but North American leaders express solidarity 3 Mexican federal police foil plot to assassinate President Calderón 4 Aung San Suu Kyi sentenced to another three years of house arrest 5 Four Rio Tinto employees formally arrested for bribery […]
The Best Sports Betting Site
Get More Information Here: Afc Championship Odds There are numerous sports betting sites available online and finding the best one could be a painful task. Some sites can help you decide on which sports team you should place your bet. One good example is the which offers the best quality online betting across the globe. With this sport site, […]